Blog tutorial

CAS Portfolio Summary
My CAS Portfolio is broken down into major timeline interviews, which are all presented in the links below (evidence, photos, description...

Final CAS Reflection
1. Teaching at Sapa Hope Center (Service) (Aug 3 - Aug 10) - LO4: Show commitment and perseverance in CAS (still working towards it...

Club activity reflection
Badminton Club member Therefore I practice more than the club required me to and practiced almost everyday instead of only during club...

Second CAS G11 - E-right Reflection
Project E-right reflection As we dive into the real work, I have learned a lot of things in the process. Disagreements + Creating A Draft...

Final Leadership Assessment
At the end of Grade 10, we assessed ourselves the last times on the skills that are necessary for leadership so that we can see our...

Sharing story of self, us now
In our Leading with others class, we had an opportunity to give a speech in front of everyone about something that is deeply connected to...

End of year Leading self reflection video
At the end of the year, each of us will make a video to reflect on what we learned and leading self and also the key ideas that are most...

Big Final Group project - Chatty Susan
In our leading with others class, we spent an approximate time of 2 months to plan and carry out a project that solves a need in our...

Building meaningful relationships
Our new chapter in Leading self class at UWC ISAK Japan is to foster meaningful relationships - both in our community and in our life...